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When we meet David Frank he is a mess. A wounded lion. His spirit shattered by the death of his wife ...View More
terraformingmars #mars It's lovely to think about it: Humanity travels to a nearby world, settles it ...View More
NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission is all about keeping us safe. DART is a test ...View More
Automating an observing run is one of the most efficient uses of your equipment. You can plan the ni ...View More
You can certainly be forgiven if you haven't heard about NASA's Lucy mission to the asteroid belt to ...View More
It is no secret that there is a lot riding on the success of the #JWST mission. This is the largest ...View More
Even though it's way more expensive to put telescopes in space, they can do things telescopes on Ear ...View More
One of the world's largest and most innovative ground-based observatories is scheduled to come onlin ...View More
Most of the galaxies beyond a certain distance are too far away for us to ever get to. If we started ...View More
NASA and others have begun earnestly looking into building telescopes on the Moon that could transfo ...View More
The fate of Jupiter is not well known. What happens to the gas giant after the Sun turns into a red ...View More
When we meet David Frank he is a mess. A wounded lion. His spirit shattered by the death of his wife ...View More
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