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#JWST Versus #Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope has been with us over 30 years providing perspective on the universe we n ...View More

NASA's IXPE Mission: A New X-Ray Space Telescope

I usually talk about new missions BEFORE they actually launch but this one caught me off-guard. Let' ...View More

#JWST Mission Status

Let's check in on #JWST. If you'd like to join these stream with your audio, join the Deep Astronomy ...View More

Countdown to #JWST Launch (again)

JWST represents the pinnacle of human achievement in space robotic telescopes. With this instrument, ...View More

#JWST Pre-Launch Therapy Stream

It's been a long, long road and while I'm sure the scientists and engineeers that have given decades ...View More

Exploring Jupiter's Moons: ESA's JUICE and NASA's Europa Clipper Missions

Jupiter has a favorite destination for our robotic probes into the solar system. There are two missi ...View More

Options in Exploration: Public Private Partnerships in Space

Unlike in the Apollo era, the private sector now has considerable space capabilities and in the last ...View More

#JWST: First Year of Observations - What Will It Look at First?

As JWST continues its deployment (so far so good!), it's natural to start thinking about the observa ...View More

Optical Communications for Developing A Cislunar Neighborhood

It's exciting to see plans and investments U.S. commercial and government organizations are making t ...View More

Space Greed: Is It a Thing Yet?

Once the Earth was considered infinite in it's bounty as explorers went forth to conquer new lands a ...View More

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