deep astronomy  

The First Exoplanets: A Discovery that Forever Changed Us | Exoplanet Radio ep 14

Our galaxy likely holds hundreds of billions of planets around other stars but when and how did we b ...View More

Life in the Dark: How Moons of Rogue Planets Could Harbor Life | Exoplanet Radio ep 17

In our galaxy, there are many planets that wander alone in the dark, without a star to orbit. These  ...View More

How Long To Travel to The Closest Exoplanet Proxima Centauri b? | Exoplanet Radio ep 16

Throughout the course of this podcast, we've established the idea that there are a lot of exoplanets ...View More

JWST Takes First Direct Image of an Exoplanet | Exoplanet Radio ep 21

jwst has 248000 microshutters that can open and close individually and when used in unison, create a ...View More

TRAPPIST-1d: A World on the Edge of Life | Exoplanet Radio ep 20

TRAPPIST-1d is a rocky, Earth-like planet, meaning that it is roughly the same size and mass as our  ...View More

Direct Imaging Exoplanets in Our Telescopes | Exoplanet Radio ep 19

One of the reasons we've created Exoplanet Radio is that Exoplanets are awesome. The idea that there ...View More

JWST Observes a New Type of Brown Dwarf | Exoplanet Radio ep 18

Imagine a planet that is so far away from us that it takes 40 years for its light to reach us. Now i ...View More

Trillions of Worlds WIthout Stars | Exoplanet Radio ep 25

Astronomers estimate that there are more free roaming planets in our galaxy than there are planets i ...View More

How Common Are Habitable Exoplanets? | Exoplanet Radio ep 24

One of the big questions we are trying to answer in exoplanet astronomy is: Just how common are habi ...View More

KELT-9b: The Hottest Known Exoplanet | Exoplanet Radio ep 23

Kelt-9b is a gas giant planet that orbits a star 670 light-years from Earth. It is so close to its s ...View More

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