The Cloud Racer | Sci-Fi CG Animated Short Using Unreal Engine
Set in the near future, a young man and his blue-collar mechanic father compete in a qualifier for an advanced racecraft competition, through a treacherous course against elite racers that runs through the now "Ghost City" of Los Angeles. A selection of Short of the Week, the web's leading curators of quality short films. SUBMIT A FILM: FULL REVIEW: Subscribe to S/W on YouTube! Website: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: The Cloud Racer Dir. Joe Sill "A sci-fi proof-of-concept short heavily indebted to underdog sports films, cinematic aviation spectacles, and old-school chase filmmaking. While the 100% CG film soars via its cutting-edge "virtual production" techniques and real-time workflows, its soul is firmly grounded in old-school Hollywood sensibilities, resulting in a glossy confection that is a pleasing amalgam of forward-looking futurism and nostalgia."- S/W Curator, Jason Sondhi ☁️???? Directed by: Joe Sill Virtual Production Company: Impossible Objects Producers: Joe Sill, Jerad Anderson, Matisse Tolin Writer: Matisse Tolin Virtual Production Supervisor: Luc Delamare Performances by: Heston Horwin, Chase Cargill, Stephanie Kerbis, Trevor Stevens Vocal Performances by: Bobby Doughnuts, George C. Owens Composer: Trevor Doherty Editorial: Impossible Objects Color Correction: Impossible Objects Audio Post Production: One Thousand Birds Sound Design & Mix by: Jackie! Zhou Additional Sound Design: Torin Geller, Myra Al-Rahim OTB Executive Producers: Guin Frehling, Kira MacKnight Reproduced on this channel with the permission of the filmmakers.