The Line | Sci-Fi Short Film About a Young Girl Trying To Cross a Legendary Border
A teenage girl and young boy run for their lives to cross ‘The Line’, but are they running away from danger or towards it? ▶️ WATCH SHORT FILMS ➔ ???? SUBMIT A FILM: The Line Written & Directed by Faye Gilbert Produced by Yaw Basoah "With a lot of the world building left to viewers imaginations, Gilbert’s film doesn’t seem too concerned with ensuring all the pieces of the puzzle are present and correct (even the titular “Line” is never fully explained), instead using intrigue and emotion to hook its audience in. It often feels as if some of the best storytelling is when a universe feels like it continues to exist after a film ends, or a book finishes, and this is certainly the case with The Line as Gilbert almost seems to be challenging her audience to fill in the blanks in her narrative with their own answers." - S/W Curator, Rob Munday FULL REVIEW: Reproduced on this channel with the permission of the filmmakers.