FARRAH BATTLES ROBOT! Saturn 3 | FULL MOVIE | Sci Fi Cult Classic | Farrah Fawcett, Kirk Douglas
Two lovers stationed at a remote base in the asteroid fields of Saturn are intruded upon by a retentive technocrat from Earth and his charge: a malevolent eight foot robot. Farrah Fawcett, Kirk Douglas, Harvey Keitel, Ed Bishop, Roy Dotrice, Jill Goldston, Douglas Lambert, Christopher Muncke Directed by Stanley Donen 1980 #farrahfawcett #farrah #kirkdouglas #harveykeitel #airobot #scifi #scifimovies #80smovies #stanleydonen #cultclassic #cultclassics #sciencefictionfilm #sciencefictionmovie #sciencefiction Edited for YouTube ad standards MORE Popcornflix MOVIES, FREE on YouTube! Action: https://bit.ly/2XC8pvv Romance: https://bit.ly/2NVnIQ2 Horror: https://bit.ly/2LeNNaK Crime: https://bit.ly/2NK201z Drama: https://bit.ly/2G6Uasy Comedy: https://bit.ly/2LPCNQD Western: https://bit.ly/2S7FRc4 Popcornflix Channel page: https://bit.ly/2Saak9p Watch more free movies and TV series at Popcornflix.com, or on the Popcornflix app available on Roku, Amazon FireTV, iOS, Android, Chromecast, and AppleTV. #Popcornflix, Full length free movies and TV series. Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Popcornflix Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Popcornflixnews Popcornflix is owned/operated by Screen Media Ventures