The Snow Creature (1954) W. LEE WILDER

Video By: Silver Screen Classics Posted On: January 16, 2025 View: 17

The Snow Creature (1954) W. LEE WILDER

Stars: Paul Langton, Leslie Denison, Teru Shimada Director: W. Lee Wilder American botanical expedition in the Himalayas stumbles across a Yeti den, capture one and transport it back to Los Angeles, where it escapes while customs officials are debating whether it is animal or human.

#FREE  #Teru Shimada  #Paul Langton  #monster  #MOVIES  #SCI-FI  #w. lee wilder  #Movie  #classic movies  #horror  ##classicmovies  #snow creature  #Leslie Denison  #CULT  #filmstruck  #classic movie  #CLASSIC 

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